Friday 5 November 2010

Mil Millington - Love and other near death experiences.

1st - 2nd November.
A word of advice - DO NOT READ THIS IN ON AN AEROPLANE. Really, I am quite sure the bloke next to me was moments away from effecting a citizens arrest on the way to Newquay on Tuesday. I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my cheeks and was trying to stifle hysterical guffaws so much so that I was shaking. I read Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About years ago and thought it was probably the funniest thing since Spike Milligan's My Part in Hitlers Downfall, which I read at 10 so maybe isn't actually all that funny if you are a grown up! Anyway, I also read A Certain Chemistry and vowed to keep an eye out for more books by Mil Millington and then promptly got swept along on a tide of crime and forgot all about him. Spotted this in the library and was actually a bit worried that he couldn't still be writing such howlingly funny stuff - oh but he is, and then some, bloody brilliant frankly and thats why I ripped through it in 2 days. If this doesn't make you laugh out loud and insist on reading out bits to whoever is near you I will eat every copy in print. Please please read this and tell me what you think!
Post edit - you might want to know what this is about, just in case my insistence that its the funniest book ever published isn't recommendation enough! Basically main character, sorry name has gone clean out of my head, has a meeting scheduled in a pub, he is running late because he is returning some crap towels to a shop (its a long story) and the pub blows up killing everyone in it, which begs the question which decision was it that led to him being late and therefore missing his appointment with the grim reaper; returning the towels or buying the towels in the first place? And if your entire continued existence hangs on such a delicate thread then surely all decisions are life and death ones and require a great deal more thought than they would usually be given. There that about covers the plot, the plot isn't the most important thing about this book, its just the thing the words hang off, its the comedy that counts. Enjoy.

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